Bio Ganoderma lucidum myceMAX (Reishi)
Mushroom of vitality and longevity
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - dehydrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 9,5g, Carbohydrates 63g, Fiber 15g, Total fat 1,2g, Total energy 1.150kJ, β-Glucans 11300mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with plenty of water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Hericium erinaceus mushroom
A natural stimulus for your brain and nervous system
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - dehydrated water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 10,4g, Carbohydrates 65,2g, Fiber 15,1g, Total fat 1g, Total energy 1.090kJ, β-Glucans 8300mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package Content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom shaped tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with enough water, or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Grifola frondosa mushroom
A natural treasure for your well-being
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 8,8g, Carbohydrates 63,2g, Fiber 19,4g, Total fat 1,7g, Total energy 1.170kJ, β-Glucans 11800mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for use: bite the compressed mushroom with enough water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Coprinus comatus
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 7,8g, Carbohydrates 69,8g, Fiber 14,4g, Total fat 0,8g, Total energy 1.120kJ, β-Glucans 7200mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with plenty of water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Auricularia auricula mushroom
A natural treasure for your health and vitality
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 8.7g, Carbohydrates 63.5g, Fiber 19.1g, Total fat 0.8g, Total energy 1.070kJ, β-Glucans 7900mg
Package contents: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom shaped tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with enough water, or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes mushrooms
A natural treasure for your health and vitality
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 8,5g, Carbohydrates 65,9g, Fiber 15,8g, Total fat 1.2g, Total energy 1.170kJ, β-Glucans 8600mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom with enough water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Pleurotus ostreatus, Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, and Lentinula edodes Mushrooms
A natural treasure for your health and vitality
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 9,1g, Carbohydrates 62,6g, Fiber 17,4g, Total fat 1.2g, Total energy 1.140kJ, β-Glucans 9700mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with plenty of water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Lentinula edodes mushroom
A jewel among mushrooms for your health
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 8,4g, Carbohydrates 65,7g, Fiber 15,5g, Total fat 1.3g, Total energy 1.180kJ, β-Glucans 9100mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom with enough water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom
Nature's miracle for your health and well-being
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 8,5g, Carbohydrates 66,8g, Fiber 16,3g, Total fat 0.9g, Total energy 1.110kJ, β-Glucans 7400mg
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Package content: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with plenty of water or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Auricularia auricula mushroom
A natural treasure for your health and vitality
Organic - BIO
Concentrated - water activity less than 0.65
Pressed mushroom-shaped tablets 1g/pc (Protected Design)
Nutritional facts per 100g: Protein: 8.7g, Carbohydrates 63.5g, Fiber 19.1g, Total fat 0.8g, Total energy 1.070kJ, β-Glucans 7900mg
Package contents: 30pcs
Recommended dosage: 1-3 Pressed mushroom shaped tablets 1-3 x daily
Directions for Use: Bite the compressed mushroom and wash down with enough water, or add to food, drinks, smoothies...
Category: Free of added sugar, fat, gluten, and lactose
Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Please note: In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on nutrition and health claims made on foods, we cannot make health claims about the effects of mushrooms on human health. Although these mushrooms have been known for thousands of years in Eastern traditional medicine and their effects have been studied and confirmed by scientists, the legislation requires that all health claims be officially approved by the competent authorities. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a professional or doctor when taking our products.
Balík podpory: ADVANCED - Pre tých, ktorí chcú ísť na maximum
Objavte skutočný potenciál pre vyššiu efektivitu a pohodu. Balík podpory ADVANCED je navrhnutý pre lídrov, inovátorov a tímy, ktoré si cenia výkon bez kompromisov. Vaša podpora nám umožňuje pokračovať vo výskume liečivých húb, ktoré nielenže bojujú proti plytvaniu, ale prinášajú aj výhody pre zdravie. Na oplátku vám poskytujeme prémiové produkty pre lepšiu budúcnosť.
Prečo si vybrať balík podpory ADVANCED?
- Posilnenie produktivity: Výrobky z tejto kolekcie sú zostavené tak, aby podporovali synergický efekt a riešili špecifické potreby pre zvýšený výkon.
- Dlhodobá podpora s trvalými výsledkami: Navrhnuté pre konzistentné výsledky, ktoré vám pomôžu udržať sa na vrchole.
- Exkluzívne výhody pre váš tím: Darujte sebe alebo svojmu tímu jedinečné zdravotné benefity spolu s pocitom, že prispievate k výskumu s pozitívnym vplyvom na životné prostredie.
Vyberte si balík, ktorý vás udrží v hre:
- Kolekcia 3 balení: Praktické balenie pre synergický efekt
- Predplatné: Nakupuj za zvýhodnené ceny
Exkluzivita s dôrazom na udržateľnosť
Vaša podpora je nielen investíciou do vášho zdravia, ale aj do lepšieho sveta. Každým balíkom, ktorý si vyberiete, podporujete riešenia na znižovanie odpadu a ekologickejšiu budúcnosť.
Balík podpory ADVANCED - Buďte na čele zmien a vychutnajte si zaslúžené výhody!